Green & Clean Business Academy » Business Teachers

Business Teachers

Mr. Andrew Canales is the newest edition to the academy as well as to La Serna High. Now with a few years of teaching experience, ambition, and dedication to student learning, Mr. Canales co-coordinates the GCBA with Ms. Vance and teaches it's sophomores English. He is on the front lines of the GCBA's extracurricular activities and knows how to bring the fun.  He also acts as a Link Crew leader to help ease freshmen into high school life while teaching many of then English 1 and Honors English 1.  Somehow, he also finds time to coach the Freshman football team.

Amber Fox
Mrs. Amber Foxhas been revolutionizing the art of photography at La Serna for nearly two decades. In addition to teaching photography and advance assignments, Mrs. Fox has been Co-coordinator of the Film and Media CPA and recently joined the Green and Clean Business Academy to teach the juniors business photography. She shares this sentiment with Dr. Seuss: “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it’d be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”   
Kim Fitz
Ms. Kimberly Fitzgerald has been bringing her enthusiasm and business prowess to La Serna for over two decades. For the GCBA, she teachers Computer Careers to the sophomores and Virtual Enterprise (VE) to the senior class.  Her motto of "Don't ever give up!" and "PERSEVERANCE" has helped her develop and foster a great VE program in which La Serna can compete with over 70 other schools in statewide competitions. Mrs. Fitz also guides Freshman through that tough first year as a Link Crew Leader and has an opportunity to have some fun as the adviser of the Hip-hop Club. 

Holly Vance
Ms. Holly Vance has enjoyed more than two decades at La Serna, and all years have been as a member of the GCBA academy. She has taught both English III and English IV and works closely with Ms. Fitz and the Virtual Enterprise program in a supportive role. She has tailored senior project to helps students build and showcase CTE skills. Mr. Canales and she co-coordinate the academy. She knows that "there is always a reason but seldom an excuse" to uphold one's responsibilities and hopes to mold students who are responsible and take ownership of their actions. 

Dash Verstegen
Mr. Dashiell Verstegen has been a part of La Serna's family even before teaching. He is an alumni and has been part of the football coaching staff for fifteen years. He has been teaching the sophomores  World Civilization and the juniors U.S. History for seven years. Since he believes in "reaping what you sow" he pushes our students in all aspects of their academic life to be their best.