Homework/ Tutoring Resources/ Interventions

Homework is a vital part of the learning process for every student at La Serna High School. Homework is an extension of the course content and is part of the final grade. Students are expected to do homework for the following reasons:

1. Some skills can only be learned by repeated practice
2. Some learning experiences require an extended period of time beyond the class period
3. Some students require more time on task than others
4. Self-reliance, self-discipline and effective time management will be developed

La Serna High School teachers regularly assign homework on subject matter or skills. Course goals, objectives and mastery of the California State Standards will influence the type and length of assignments.

It is expected that students will complete homework assignments and that parents will take an active and supportive role in the monitoring of these assignments.

Tutorial/Study Hall

Each five week grading period will determine whether or not a student will require placement in either tutorial or study hall. Tutorials will be subject specific, allowing students to work in small groups an additional 30 minutes/day, four days/week. Study Hall will facilitate additional help for students not succeeding in academic subjects. Each day, 30 minutes/day, four days/week students will be expected to complete assignments for a variety of courses.
La Serna High Schools Pyramid of Preventions/Interventions is utilized throughout a students four-year high school career. Ongoing programs and assessments permit Counselors to determine appropriate academic placement and support services.