
Welcome to the Oasis Website
Contact Info
[email protected]
(562) 698-8121 x6266
Program Overview
Oasis is a special intervention program for sophomores and juniors that started at La Serna in 2007. Oasis stands for "organized academic support in school." In this academic and social-emotional support class, students, selected by their counselors due to lack of credits after their freshman year, are matched up with 11th and 12th grade academic mentors. Students placed in Oasis are identified as those most likely to drop out of high school. In Oasis students learn study skills, accountability, time management, goal setting, note taking, character building and self-esteem development.

A big part of the program is the "team" concept. Students and mentors are placed on teams. Each team has 4-6 students and 3-4 academic mentors. At the end of every week, students obtain progress reports from all of their teachers. Oasis has helped and improved lives of a majority of its students. Mr. Lavigne was acknowledged as California Teacher of the Year for the 2011-12 school year. As a former football coach, he has used his wisdom to help motivate teens to have a higher GPA and help establish self-motivation skills for everyone. Mrs. Barnes partnered with Mr. LaVigne in the 9th grade Guided Studies program for many years before he retired and was selected by Mr. LaVigne as his successor in 2020. In February 2019 Mrs. Barnes and her mentors founded the ongoing after school Homework Hangout Club which provides free after school tutoring, resources, snacks and computers to any student on campus.

Program elements: W.O.W., weekly planners, SMART goals, guest speakers, student & community partners
W.O.W. - Words of the Week include core values such as accountability, respect, compassion, resilience, leadership, gratitude, integrity, grit, generosity and empathy.

A special thanks to our generous and supportive community members:

Diane and Leighton Anderson
Gary and Cynthia Arakawa
Chris and Katie George
Covington Capital Management
Credit Union SOCAL
Friends of La Serna
James Yang
Ken and Gisele LaVigne
Leighton and Diane Anderson 
Sandra Thorstenson
Soroptimists-Whittier Chapter
Whittier Host Lions