
Welcome to La Serna's Kids for Wish Kids website. Our goal is to raise $8,000 by having a series of fundraisers and accepting any generous donations. A student named Rachael Gottes had the idea, as a freshmen, to start the program to help others at the Make A Wish foundation. Today with Lindsey MacDonald as the club president, our schools support, club members, Mrs. Garcia's help, our club has been running 4 years strong.
Officers & Club Advisor
President Lindsey Macdonald
Katie Lee
Publicists Gigi Sherman
Secretary Sarah Espinosa
Treasurer Anna Garibyan
Club Advisor Mrs. Garcia
Meeting Dates, Times & Location

Meeting every Tuesday second half of lunch in A-102 test

Announcements & Reminders
  • Apple and Fudge fundraiser from March 3-April 4. We will deliver apples before Easter.
  • Kids for Wish Kids T-shirts are still available for purchase for $10.00.