La Serna High School
B Building
(562) 698-8121 ext. 6020
The focus of the curriculum office at La Serna High School is to ensure that every student receives a high quality instruction in every classroom. With that goal in mind, the Curriculum Office oversees the following programs:
Curriculum Improvement Teams
Department Chairs/Course Leads
Professional Development
Technology Resources
Textbooks/Learning Materials
Teacher Resources
Library Resources
Testing (PSAT, AP & SBAC)
Summer School
School Budget
Senior Project
BTSA (Beginning Teacher Support) |
Curriculum Office Staff
John Hochadel
Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction
Rita Sanchez x6020
Sr. Administrative Clerk
Hailey Cheffers x6013
Curriculum Coordinator
Lisa Barnes x6028
Intervention Specialist
Tylina Mendez x6023
Administrative Clerk
Alexa Clarke x6344
Instr. Computing Assistant
Office Assistant